Saturday, April 25, 2009


I have had the pleasure recently of making contact with an Eco-Broker out of DC. His name is Mike from Green DC Realty ( so we have been having an ongoing conversation about the market, and the green industry as well as different techniques that real estate professionals are employing to stay in the game.


The more I get to speak to Mike, the more I am impressed with the level of professionalism and commitment by the best of the best. I do not know what his client base looks like or how many houses he has sold in the past or even the present. Here is what I know, though…the guy is a consummate professional and is working in ways that are inspiring to me. I consider myself a very fortunate individual in that I get to meet and rub elbows with the best of the best and this is no exception. Mike is involved, to say the least.


After looking over the Green DC Realty website, I began to realize that he is not just a Realtor…this guy is totally committed to the industry, both the real estate industry and the green industry. He is doing everything right, from writing articles, meeting with developers and getting involved in new ideas and building projects. Most of those things are not income producing activities, but in my mind, it shows that he is totally involved in the market. Here we are in a downturn right now and this guy is absolutely thriving! And by the way, he isn’t just doing these things to build his credentials; he is doing it to make a difference. I am always impressed with people that go the extra mile to make an impact. It isn’t always the most financially rewarding path, but it is the most admirable.


What I eventually came to realize, is that it is his mindset that sets him apart. This is not a 9-5 kind of guy. He eats, sleeps and breathes this stuff…What other way is there to be? I can’t imagine being new to the industry and having to compete with guys like that, because they operate at a whole different level. Amateurs can’t hold a candle to these people like him. The down turn in the economy and the real estate industry is similar to the dot-com bust a few years ago. It used to be that there was a computer store on every corner, and a new technology start-up in between. But when things turned south, the herd was thinned quickly and only the strongest survived. It isn’t so different now. The best are getting better and the weak are going away. Michael and his team will be around a long time because of their attention the industry and their genuine concern for the environment as well as their client base. Kudos Michael….Keep up the great work. If you are looking for an expert in Green Real Estate go to and contact Mike.




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