Monday, July 27, 2009

Italian Cooking for Real Estate Invesors

I am just beginning to appreciate the subtleties of my heritage and how it applies to real estate and real estate investing.

As I was making tomato sauce for dinner this evening, it occurred to me that real estate is going through the same process that makes the best tomato sauce...reduction is the key word here.

I remember how amazed I was the first time I made my sauce from scratch, particularly, how much water is really in each tomato. It used to baffle me as to why my Nana would have to cook all day to make tomato sauce for all of the dishes she was cooking. The longer that you simmer your sauce, the richer the flavor and the more the flavors combine to give a full, rich taste.

The real estate market is doing the same thing right now. The market is simmering and has been simmering for some time. Too much heat ruins things...the key is to manage the heat and keep it at just the right temperature. The problem is that the real estate market was so hot for so long that it burned out. The same thing will happen to your sauce if you don't manage the will eventually burn.

Ok, this simmering effect has had its effect on the real estate population as well. While reduction in cooking removes all of the unnecessary water, the simmering in our industry has removed a lot of unnecessary middle men. What we are left with are the parts that make a rich flavorful, (wait we are talking about real estate)...what we are left with are the real estate professionals that are focused and driven to provide the best service in the market. The end result is a richer, more robust real and meaningful estate experience.

So while this may be a tough time for a lot of people, what we are going to end up with is a much better, cleaner, more efficient industry than before this happened. This simmering is a natural process that tends to bring out the best of the best...and YOU are one of the best.

Congratulations...Healthy Investing!


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