Thursday, July 23, 2009

Real Estate Compost Pile

Ever since we began talking about the "green edition" of our magazine, my son has been urging us to become a "greener" family. Considering he is in the third grade, this is an impressive and reasonable request.

We have taken up the greener lifestyle and I must say that it suits me well. One of my favorite green things to do is to contribute to our compost pile in the backyard. Last night as I was contributing the latest kitchen scraps to the pile I noticed that the pile was "cooking." Yep, it was about 132 degrees. HOT! or as they say in compost terminology, it was "cooking!"

That got me to thinking that the real estate industry is not so different; especially real estate investing. There are a lot of "scraps" left on the market right now and it is up to the real estate investment community to make things good again. Well, these are the properties that nobody can afford, or that need fixing up, or are just sitting around on the market. This is not good for a stumbling economy. What we need to do is to turn this "refuse" into fertile soil that we will allow us to rebuild the garden of our industry.

With my compost pile out back, I have been contributing for months, putting my lawn clippings in there along with kitchen scraps, and finally last night it began to cook. The same thing is going to happen in our real estate community. We just have to keep the faith and keep practicing fundamentally good transactions. In that way, we will be contributing to the come back of our industry.

The real estate investment community will inevitably begin heating up again, or "cooking" very slowly, but then it will turn into the hot market that it was and give off returns that will help spur the economy as well. These times that we are facing are only temporary and while we may not see it on a daily basis, the universe is already at work putting together the elements to the next great real estate boom.

Hang in there and take the good with the bad. Real estate investing is cyclical, just like any other natural occurrence.

Think of like your real estate compost pile, throw in your deal listings and look for new ones. Together we will turn the tide around.


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