Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Real Estate Investing (Back to Basics)

I happened to stumble across a blog yesterday that was addressing all the great deals that were on the market. While I too tend to talk about all of the deals on the market, I forget, as we all seem to do that an appealing deal for one person, might be a money pit for the next person.

Sure, there are a lot of foreclosures on the market, and there are a lot of houses with equity on the market right now, but they don't automatically constitute a deal. The truth is that only YOU can determine if a deal is the right one for you. And the only way that you can be sure is to have a set of criteria that you use to evaluate each deal, that is tied directly to a goal that is defined in a business plan. So you see, all those deals out there might not actually be good deals for what you are trying to accomplish.

Make sure you didn't miss the part about having a set of criteria that you use to evaluate each deal. I completely enjoy the academic exercise of figuring out business systems and criteria. When you are done with the exercise, you are left with a keen sense of what it will take to keep moving forward at a sustained rate...and don't get me going about the sustainability of business plans...that is a whole topic in and of itself.

Alright folk, that's about all for now...Take care and happy investing.

Robert D. Cass

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